package com.verictas.pos.simulator.dataWriter; import com.verictas.pos.simulator.SimulatorConfig; import com.verictas.pos.simulator.mathUtils.AU; import javax.vecmath.Vector3d; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; public class DataWriter { private FileWriter writer = null; // Delimiter used in text file (for import in Excel) private static final String DELIMITER = "\t"; private static final String NEW_LINE = "\n"; private int counter = 0; public DataWriter() throws WritingException { try { // Define the save path String directory = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + "simulatorExports"; File directoryPath = new File(directory); String path = directory + File.separator + getCurrentTimeStamp() + ".txt"; System.out.println("WRITING DATA TO: " + path); if (!directoryPath.exists()) { directoryPath.mkdirs(); } this.writer = new FileWriter(path); this.writer.write("Object" + DELIMITER + "Position (m)" + DELIMITER + "Position (AU)" + DELIMITER + "Speed (m/s)" + DELIMITER + "Speed (AU/day)" + DELIMITER + "Old Acceleration" + DELIMITER + "Acceleration" + DELIMITER + "Mass" + NEW_LINE); this.counter++; } catch(IOException e) { throw new WritingException("The destination file couldn't be created."); } catch(Exception e) { throw new WritingException("Some unknown error occurred while writing to the file!"); } } public void write(String string) throws WritingException { if (this.writer == null) { throw new WritingException("The writer isn't defined yet"); } else { try { if (this.counter % SimulatorConfig.skipLines == 0) { this.writer.append(string); } this.counter++; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new WritingException("An error occurred while writing to the file!"); } } } public void write(String id, Vector3d position, Vector3d speed, Vector3d oldAcceleration, Vector3d acceleration, double mass) throws WritingException { if (this.writer == null) { throw new WritingException("The writer isn't defined yet"); } else { try { if (this.counter % SimulatorConfig.skipLines == 0) { this.writer.append(id + DELIMITER + position.toString() + DELIMITER + AU.convertFromMeter(position).toString() + DELIMITER + speed.toString() + DELIMITER + AU.convertFromMetersPerSecond(speed).toString() + DELIMITER + oldAcceleration.toString() + DELIMITER + acceleration.toString() + DELIMITER + String.valueOf(mass) + NEW_LINE); } this.counter++; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new WritingException("An error occurred while writing to the file!"); } } } public void save() throws WritingException { if (this.writer == null) { throw new WritingException("The writer isn't defined yet"); } else { try { this.writer.flush(); this.writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new WritingException("Whoop! Save error!"); } } } public int getLines() { return this.counter; } public String getCurrentTimeStamp() { return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss").format(new Date()); } }