package com.verictas.pos.simulator.processor; import com.verictas.pos.simulator.Object; import com.verictas.pos.simulator.Simulator; import com.verictas.pos.simulator.SimulatorConfig; import com.verictas.pos.simulator.dataWriter.DataWriter; import com.verictas.pos.simulator.dataWriter.WritingException; import com.verictas.pos.simulator.mathUtils.AOP; import com.verictas.pos.simulator.mathUtils.AU; import java.util.HashMap; public class Processor { private DataWriter writer; public HashMap initialObjectValues = new HashMap<>(); public HashMap objects = new HashMap<>(); public Processor(Object[] objects) throws ProcessingException, WritingException { /** * Initialize DataWriter */ this.writer = new DataWriter(); /** * Store the initial values of all the objects in memory (and to a file) for later use */ this.initialObjectValues = objectArrayToHashMap(objects); // Write initial values to file this.write(initialObjectValues); /** * Create the object processing array */ for (Object object : initialObjectValues.values()) { this.objects.put(, new ObjectProcessor()); this.objects.get(; } } public void process(Object[] objectArray) throws ProcessingException, WritingException { HashMap objects = objectArrayToHashMap(objectArray); /** * Only do the processing for the asked planet(s) */ for(String objectName : SimulatorConfig.objectNames) { ObjectProcessor object = this.objects.get(objectName); object.setObjectData(objects.get(objectName)); object.setReferenceObjectData(objects.get(SimulatorConfig.sunName)); object.processHistory(); // Check if the object has gone round last round boolean round = object.processRoundCheck(); if (round) { // Process the nodes object.processNodes(); // ECHO:: Object has gone full circle last round! System.out.println("\n\n============== ROTATION DATA: " + objectName.toUpperCase() + ", ROUND " + (Simulator.round - 1) + " ============="); if (SimulatorConfig.outputUnit.equals("AU")) { System.out.println("Current position (AU): " + AU.convertFromMeter(objects.get(objectName).position) + "\n"); System.out.println("Highest point (z-axis graph) (AU): " + AU.convertFromMeter(object.absoluteMax)); System.out.println("Lowest point (z-axis graph) (AU): " + AU.convertFromMeter(object.absoluteMin)); System.out.println("Calculated reference height (AU) : " + AU.convertFromMeter(object.referenceZ) + "\n"); if (object.ascendingNode != null) { System.out.println("Ascending node (AU): " + AU.convertFromMeter(object.ascendingNode)); } else { System.out.println("WARNING:: Ascending node not found."); } if (object.descendingNode != null) { System.out.println("Descending node (AU): " + AU.convertFromMeter(object.descendingNode) + "\n"); } else { System.out.println("WARNING:: Descending node not found.\n"); } System.out.println("Position during apastron (AU): " + AU.convertFromMeter(object.aphelion)); System.out.println("Distance from (the) " + SimulatorConfig.sunName + " during apastron in km: " + object.aphelionDistance / 1000 + "\n"); System.out.println("Position during periastron (AU): " + AU.convertFromMeter(object.perihelion)); System.out.println("Distance from (the) " + SimulatorConfig.sunName + " during periastron in km: " + object.perihelionDistance / 1000 + "\n"); } else { System.out.println("Current position (m): " + objects.get(objectName).position + "\n"); System.out.println("Highest point (z-axis graph) (m): " + object.absoluteMax); System.out.println("Lowest point (z-axis graph) (m): " + object.absoluteMin); System.out.println("Calculated reference height (m) : " + object.referenceZ + "\n"); if (object.ascendingNode != null) { System.out.println("Ascending node (m): " + object.ascendingNode); } else { System.out.println("WARNING:: Ascending node not found."); } if (object.descendingNode != null) { System.out.println("Descending node (m): " + object.descendingNode + "\n"); } else { System.out.println("WARNING:: Descending node not found.\n"); } System.out.println("Position during apastron (m): " + object.aphelion); System.out.println("Distance from (the) " + SimulatorConfig.sunName + " during apastron in km: " + object.aphelionDistance / 1000 + "\n"); System.out.println("Position during periastron (m): " + object.perihelion); System.out.println("Distance from (the) " + SimulatorConfig.sunName + " during periastron in km: " + object.perihelionDistance / 1000 + "\n"); } if (object.ascendingNode != null) { System.out.println("Argument of periapsis (radians): " + AOP.calculate(object.ascendingNode, object.perihelion, object.aphelion)); System.out.println("Argument of periapsis (degrees): " + Math.toDegrees(AOP.calculate(object.ascendingNode, object.perihelion, object.aphelion))); } else { System.out.println("ERROR:: Can't calculate the argument of periapsis because the ascending node is missing."); } System.out.println("=======================================================================================\n\n"); object.reset(); // Reset starting position this.objects.get(objectName).setStartingPosition(objects.get(objectName).position); } // Process values for this round object.processAphelionAndPerihelion(); object.calculateTops(); this.objects.put(objectName, object); } this.write(objects); } private void write(HashMap objects) throws ProcessingException, WritingException { if (SimulatorConfig.skipUnnecessary) { for (String name : SimulatorConfig.objectNames) { this.writer.write(objects.get(name), objects.get(SimulatorConfig.sunName)); } } else { for (Object object : objects.values()) { this.writer.write(object, objects.get(SimulatorConfig.sunName)); } } } private HashMap objectArrayToHashMap(Object[] objects) { // Create the return map HashMap objectMap = new HashMap<>(); for(int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) { objectMap.put(objects[i].name, objects[i]); } return objectMap; } public void close() throws ProcessingException { try {; } catch(WritingException e) { throw new ProcessingException("An error occurred during creation of the file writer: " + e.toString()); } } }