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package com.verictas.pos.simulator.processor;
import com.verictas.pos.simulator.Object;
import com.verictas.pos.simulator.Simulator;
import com.verictas.pos.simulator.SimulatorConfig;
import com.verictas.pos.simulator.dataWriter.AOPDataWriter;
import com.verictas.pos.simulator.dataWriter.PosDataWriter;
import com.verictas.pos.simulator.dataWriter.WritingException;
import com.verictas.pos.simulator.mathUtils.AOP;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3d;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
public class Processor {
private PosDataWriter writer;
private AOPDataWriter aopWriter;
public HashMap<String, Object> initialObjectValues = new HashMap<>();
public HashMap<String, TreeMap<Integer, Double>> arguments = new HashMap<>();
public Processor(Object[] objects) throws ProcessingException, WritingException {
* Initialize DataWriter
this.writer = new PosDataWriter();
this.aopWriter = new AOPDataWriter();
* Store the initial values of all the objects in memory (and to a file) for later use
this.initialObjectValues = objectArrayToHashMap(objects);
// Write initial values to file
public void process(Object[] objectArray) throws ProcessingException, WritingException {
HashMap<String, Object> objects = objectArrayToHashMap(objectArray);
* Calculate AOP for specified objects
for(String objectName : SimulatorConfig.objectNames) {
// Check if we need to calculate the AOP
if (Simulator.round % SimulatorConfig.moduloArgument == 0) {
if (arguments.get(objectName) == null) {
// If not defined
TreeMap<Integer, Double> agmnts = new TreeMap<>();
arguments.put(objectName, agmnts);
// Calculate AOP and put it in the array
Object object = objects.get(objectName);
Vector3d pos = new Vector3d(object.position);
Vector3d speed = new Vector3d(object.speed);
arguments.get(objectName).put(Simulator.round, AOP.calculate(pos, speed));
private void writePos(HashMap<String, Object> objects) throws ProcessingException, WritingException {
if (SimulatorConfig.skipUnnecessary) {
for (String name : SimulatorConfig.objectNames) {
} else {
for (Object object : objects.values()) {
private HashMap<String, Object> objectArrayToHashMap(Object[] objects) {
// Create the return map
HashMap<String, Object> objectMap = new HashMap<>();
for(int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
objectMap.put(objects[i].name, objects[i]);
return objectMap;
public void close() throws ProcessingException {
try {;
for(String objectName : SimulatorConfig.objectNames) {
TreeMap<Integer, Double> arguments = this.arguments.get(objectName);
this.aopWriter.write(objectName, arguments);
double score = 0;
Double[] empty = new Double[arguments.size()];
Double[] agmnts = arguments.values().toArray(empty);
// Calculate score
for(int i = 1; i < agmnts.length - 1; i++) {
score = score + Math.abs(agmnts[i-1] - agmnts[i]);
System.out.println("SCORE (" + objectName + "): " + score);
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < agmnts.length; i++){
sum = sum + agmnts[i];
// calculate average
double average = sum / agmnts.length;
System.out.println("AVERAGE (" + objectName + ") (degrees): " + Math.toDegrees(average));
} catch(WritingException e) {
throw new ProcessingException("An error occurred during creation of the file writer: " + e.toString());