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package com.verictas.pos.simulator.dataWriter;
import com.verictas.pos.simulator.Object;
import com.verictas.pos.simulator.SimulatorConfig;
import com.verictas.pos.simulator.mathUtils.AU;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3d;
public class PosDataWriter extends DataWriter {
public PosDataWriter() throws WritingException {
try {
* Write the lines with information about the columns
if (SimulatorConfig.outputUnit.equals("AU")) {
this.writer.write("Object" + DELIMITER + "X (AU)" + DELIMITER + "Y (AU)" + DELIMITER + "Z (AU)" + DELIMITER + "VX (AU/day)" + DELIMITER + "VY (AU/day)" + DELIMITER + "VZ (AU/day)" + NEW_LINE);
} else {
this.writer.write("Object" + DELIMITER + "X (m)" + DELIMITER + "Y (m)" + DELIMITER + "Z (m)" + DELIMITER + "VX (m/s)" + DELIMITER + "VY (m/s)" + DELIMITER + "VZ (m/s)" + NEW_LINE);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new WritingException("An error occurred while writing to the file!");
* @param object The object you want to write data about
* @throws WritingException
public void write(Object object) throws WritingException {
String id =;
Vector3d position = object.position;
Vector3d speed = object.speed;
Vector3d AUposition = AU.convertFromMeter(position);
Vector3d AUspeed = AU.convertFromMetersPerSecond(speed);
if (this.writer == null) {
throw new WritingException("The writer isn't defined yet");
} else {
try {
if (this.counter % SimulatorConfig.skipLines == 0) {
if (SimulatorConfig.outputUnit.equals("AU")) {
this.writer.append(id + DELIMITER + decimalFormatter(AUposition.getX()) + DELIMITER + decimalFormatter(AUposition.getY()) + DELIMITER + decimalFormatter(AUposition.getZ()) + DELIMITER + decimalFormatter(AUspeed.getX()) + DELIMITER + decimalFormatter(AUspeed.getY()) + DELIMITER + decimalFormatter(AUspeed.getZ()) + NEW_LINE);
} else {
this.writer.append(id + DELIMITER + decimalFormatter(position.getX()) + DELIMITER + decimalFormatter(position.getY()) + DELIMITER + decimalFormatter(position.getZ()) + DELIMITER + decimalFormatter(speed.getX()) + DELIMITER + decimalFormatter(speed.getY()) + DELIMITER + decimalFormatter(speed.getZ()) + NEW_LINE);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new WritingException("An error occurred while writing to the file!");